Find Contact Details of Unknown Numbers Using Truecaller

Find contact details of unknown numbers

How often do you got calls from unknown numbers on your cell phone? and what if your cell phone displays name of the person whom calling you instead of unknown number no matter it is saved in your phone directory or not, yes it’s true and TrueCaller is the mobile app that let to forget unknown numbers and deal with name right on your phone screen while any unknown person is calling you. Only this feature of Truecaller is working on Android platform but you can manually do a number lookup in the app also and Truecaller can also be accessible via website, where you can find the contact details of unknown numbers by directly entering the cell phone number in number lookup search.

Truecaller is a global phone directory application for smartphones and it works globally and it’s free for number and name lookup via app or website. Lets have a look at how all this works.


How Truecaller works

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Truecaller is a global phone directory and numbers are growing rapidly. It all works with the users of this app, Truecaller uses the phone directory of it’s users to build a huge mobile number database and users get the benefit of number and name lookup using it. Check out more here.

Here are some features Truecaller provides:

Number lookup: You can lookup numbers globally by entering the number in the search option of Truecaller app or via website.

Name lookup: Using name lookup you can find the contact details of any person by name. But you need have Truecaller credits to use this service.

Call filter: This option allow you to add unwanted numbers to blocked or spam list, this way Truecaller notified you when the number tries to get in touch.

Profile: Truecaller allows you to make a profile of your own and edit it the way you want it be seen and contacted.

Social circle recommendations: You may explore the list of people you may know using social circle recommendations based on the connections with the other people whom you have in common.


How Truecaller helps you

Truecaller helps you manage your call management, and it is an added caller id and helps you get rid of unwanted and spamy marketing call from telemarketers.

If you frequently got missed calls from unknown numbers, then you can have a number lookup at Truecaller before making call back to those number.

It helps you manage the list of blocked or unwanted number so that they no longer be in touch with you and attend call only which are important for you.

It also lets you manage your Truecaller profile, where you can edit your information in Truecaller database.

Web address : Truecaller

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