During the 2017 eclipse, Galapagos tortoises unexpectedly reproduced, a behavior not seen in their typical daily routine.

Behaviors during the 2017 eclipse

Siamang gibbons sang unusual melodies, deviating from their usual morning routine, during the eclipse.

Behaviors during the 2017 eclipse

Male giraffes exhibited signs of anxiety by galloping, while flamingos gathered around their young for protection during the eclipse.

Behaviors during the 2017 eclipse

Scientists aim to observe similar species during the upcoming eclipse to detect broader behavioral patterns.

Bee colonies decreased their food search during the 2017 eclipse, affected by the conflict between internal rhythms and external darkness.

It also affects insects

Eagles alter their flight speed and direction during an eclipse, perceiving it as a fast-approaching storm.

Horses exhibit similar behavior during an eclipse, likely seeking shelter from potential storms.

Pets, such as dogs and cats, may react to both their owners' excitement and changes in the sky during an eclipse.

Zoos along the eclipse route invite visitors to help track animal behavior during the phenomenon.

The upcoming eclipse provides a unique opportunity for scientists to study animal reactions during a brief period of darkness.