Know how onion will help your hair grow



Onion promotes hair growth, fights dandruff, and prevents hair loss due to its rich nutritional content.

Create a growth-accelerating shampoo by adding chopped onion to a salt-free shampoo and letting it sit for 30 days before use.

Blend a peeled onion with water, strain, and apply to hair to moisturize and reduce split ends.

Combat dandruff by creating a paste from chopped onion and applying it directly to the scalp for 30 minutes before rinsing.

Chewing raw onion daily can treat scalp infections, reducing hair shedding and strengthening hair.

Applying onion mixture twice a week can visibly reduce split ends and hair breakage.

Including onions in your diet strengthens hair from within, making it less prone to breakage and shedding.

Regular use of onion-based home remedies provides natural and effective help in common hair problems.

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