Wonderful Photos Reveal Sound Traveling Through a Liquid

The overwhelming daily routine barely allows us to enjoy our hobbies when we return home from work. But for Linden Gledhill, things are different. The pharmaceutical biochemist returns home and locks himself in his laboratory, a facility that has nothing to envy the Batcave. With custom-made equipment, this man records the mix of exuberant exhibits at various scientific events. And one of his latest works reveals the captivating beauty of sound in the water.


CymaScope Sound Traveling Through Water (4)

Gledhill has created interesting and innovative devices: a super-resolution photo platform and a machine that makes snowflakes, to name a few. To many it will seem silly, but it is something truly amazing. The best part is that he shares the results of his experiments on Flickr, where he delights directors and artistic advisors. Thanks to this “hobby” she has collaborated with multiple advertising projects, music videos and, recently, with the fashion industry. His creations were taken up by a large company to adapt them and dress their models.

CymaScope Sound Traveling Through Water (2)

The work we present to you today is one of the most interesting in Gledhill. For several years now, the scientist has experimented with a dish filled with liquid, which is held over a speaker. It’s a device known as CymaScope, and it makes it easy to establish the pattern that is generated when a note hits the cymbal. As the waves travel faster than our eyes can register, Gledhill employs high-speed cameras to capture the vivid nature of these waves, and all thanks to the movement of sound in the water.

During an interview with Business Insider, the scientist explained how these cameras help him focus on the individual vibration of any particular wave. Without those cameras, we would only see the uniform motion of the waves without perceptible alterations in their nature. Most of the time, we rely on the frequency in the fluid to notice any changes.

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CymaScope Sound Traveling Through Water (7)
CymaScope Sound Traveling Through Water (8)
CymaScope Sound Traveling Through Water (9)
CymaScope Sound Traveling Through Water (10)
CymaScope Sound Traveling Through Water (11)
CymaScope Sound Traveling Through Water (12)



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