Sometimes you need an e-mail address for few minutes to sign-up frequently at some places where, your information could be compromised. In those conditions disposable e-mail address is useful and a safe option to go with.
Your own protection mail, Disposable e-mail is a kind of service, which creates temporary inbox of your choice instantaneously. It protects you from spam, phishing and other online frauds because you don’t have share your actual email address at frequent sighups.
You don’t have to go to Yopmail to create temporary inbox, it is auto generated when you sign-up with ‘any-name-of-your-choice’ at any place.
Even no registration is required for checking your temporary inbox at Yopmail, also no password is required.
You can check your inbox by visiting and Just type the e-mail name you had used to signup at any place or directly go to
Your email messages are kept for 8 days. You can also delete them manually. You can not send messages from yopmail, but you can send anonymous email to another yopmail address.