17 Items That Did NOT Need Polluting Double Packaging

In developed countries, the average person produces about two kilograms of garbage per day; This pollution multiplies alarmingly on those occasions when our routine changes a little and we carry out activities as simple as going to the supermarket or escaping for a picnic with the family. We are a destructive walking pollution machine that leaves waste wherever it goes because of disposable products! Not only does our consumption leave much to be desired in terms of moderation, but it has caused irreparable damage, so much so that an “insignificant” plastic bag will continue to affect future generations for another 450 years, the duration of its disintegration process.

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It’s all due to a dishonest marketing strategy in which certain companies invest extra in their packaging to justify expenses and sell their products more expensive just because of the “excellent protection and quality they give you”. In other words, an apple from the supermarket bathed in wax, papered, wrapped in plastic and stored in a nice tray with the legend “straight from the orchard”, will cost you three times more than a fruit actually cut from the tree and put on sale in a local market. If you choose to buy the first one of the two options… Let us tell you, the problem is you.


1. 40% of plastic waste is packaging

Things That Didn't Need Packaging

2. It’s proven: plastic modifies the taste

Things That Didn't Need Packaging

3. Shipping Is Expensive Thanks to Packaging

Things That Didn't Need Packaging

4. Every year 150,000 tons of trash enter the ocean

Things That Didn't Need Packaging

5. And a million marine animals die from eating it

Things That Didn't Need Packaging

6. Stopping Asking for Straws Is No Longer Enough

Things That Didn't Need Packaging

7. 13 billion plastic sleeves are produced annually

Things That Didn't Need Packaging

8. And for this, a lot of oil is wasted

Things That Didn't Need Packaging

9. Packaged Supplies Can Bankrupt a Company

Things That Didn't Need Packaging

10. Almost no grocery product needs this

Things That Didn't Need Packaging

11. But wrapping fruit is absurd!

Things That Didn't Need Packaging

12. In some countries this is already prohibited

Things That Didn't Need Packaging

13. We’ve already crossed the limits… This is serious

Things That Didn't Need Packaging

14. Nothing fresh, no flavour or vitamin

Things That Didn't Need Packaging

15. Will you continue to contribute to this absurd chaos?

Things That Didn't Need Packaging

16. Shop smart, consume natural

Things That Didn't Need Packaging

17. If you see something like this, report it and stop consuming it!

Things That Didn't Need Packaging



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