8 Things You Might Be Doing Wrong at Bath Time

There are so many things we learn to do in our first years of life that we could hardly imagine that we are doing it the wrong way. Something as everyday as a bath could involve a series of erroneous habits that have been reaffirmed over the years.

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Man applying conditioner

The following article, based on a publication by Reader’s Digest, presents the point of view of several dermatologists on 8 possible mistakes that perhaps most of us make when it comes to bathing. Take a look at these points and learn the healthiest and most efficient way to sanitize your body.

1 – Long, very hot baths.

Who doesn’t like to come home after a long day and take a nice warm bath, especially on winter days? Although it is very attractive, the ideal is that the water temperature should not be too high, according to Dr. Mona Gohara, a dermatologist at the Advanced Dermcare clinic in Connecticut, United States. Long, hot baths can wipe out the skin’s natural oils and lipids, which are responsible for retaining the water that keeps it moist and hydrated.

2 – Use soap without moisturizers.

Always try to use soaps labeled moisturizing or that contain stearic acid in the composition. This is recommended by Dr. Gohara, as products that do not contain moisturizing ingredients, such as most antibacterial deodorant soaps, can be quite drying to the skin.

Marseille Soaps

3 – Rub your scalp with your fingernails.

The ideal way to wash your hair is to use your fingers to lather. Up to this point we can all agree, but if you are one of those who uses your nails to rub your scalp, you are doing it the wrong way. Instead of causing a feeling of freshness and relaxation, this can lead to scratching and flaking in the area, explained dermatologist Sandy Johnson of the Johnson Dermatology Clinic in Fort Smith, Arkansas.

Doll taking a bath

Also try to avoid aggressively rubbing the hair between your fingers. According to Dr. Sandy, this can lead to damage and split the ends.

4 – Do not use conditioner on the scalp.

If you often use conditioner on your hair, it’s important to make sure you’re doing it the right way. According to Dr. Johnson, it should ideally be applied to the entire length of the hair, from root to tip. Most people usually apply the conditioner only to the hair, this ends up causing the skin of the scalp to not hydrate, promoting the appearance of itching and dandruff.

Dry curly hair

5 – Use sponges aggressively.

Sponges are items with a rough surface, and if used very forcefully, they can put an end to the skin’s natural protective barrier. According to Dr. Johnson, our hands are enough to wash the body, but people who prefer to use some toilet items should do so in conjunction with a reserve item.

Bath sponge

These should be alternated to cleanse the body and prevent the accumulation of bacteria. Dr. Gohara recommends using cotton fabrics, such as those used for babies, by gently running them over the skin.

6 – Not rinsing the body and hair properly.

Dr. Johnson explains that all soap and shampoo should be completely removed from the body. Otherwise, areas with debris can have clogged pores and irritation, which can promote the appearance of acne. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to ensure that all those areas that receive these substances are thoroughly rinsed.

Man rinsing his hair

Another interesting recommendation is to move the head away from the trunk when removing the products applied to the hair. This means that the foam and excess product are integrated directly into the running water and do not have to pass through the body, preventing the appearance of pimples on the back.

7 – Use hair removal items with a lot of foils.

A single sheet is already enough to cut body hair and, unfortunately, also a part of your skin. Now imagine all those with 3, 4 or even 5 sheets. That’s why Dr. Gohara says items with one or two sheets are ideal for reducing the trauma of this form of hair removal. He also points out that another aspect to take into account is the technique used.

According to the expert, the right thing to do is to move the blades down and out of the body. Waxing in another sense can facilitate cuts, inflammation of the follicles and irritation. Using special creams and foams or soap as a lubricant is also recommended for safer hair removal.

8 – Wait to apply lotion.

Body Lotion

Post-bath lotions penetrate the skin better when it has moisture. Therefore, it is ideal that you wait a few minutes, but that these products are still applied in the hot and humid environment of the bathroom, after drying lightly with a towel, as recommended by Dr. Gohara.

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