WhatsApp is constantly adding new features. In recent months it has been at a relatively steady pace, offering very interesting features. Recently we echoed the arrival of passkeys as a new security component to log in without passwords, or the launch of Llama 3, the latest version of Meta’s AI, on WhatsApp.
Now the company wants to boost the use of its channels. For this reason, they have introduced a function that will soon be found under all messages on any channel. Below we tell you in detail how it works.
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What is the purpose of WhatsApp’s new double arrow?
It’s clear that Meta doesn’t want to miss out on one of the features we’ve been learning about for months. With the introduction of channels (to the purest Telegram, why fool us), users will be able to follow accounts of celebrities, influencers and other well-known personalities, as well as groups focused on any topic.
Our role as a participant in a channel is simply that of a reader, being able to see all the updates sent by the creators of each channel. Sometimes it’s an element that you can dissociate with, because technically it’s as if Mark Zuckerberg, or IlloJuan, to give just a few examples, sent you a WhatsApp directly.
The double arrow will be used to share the messages of each channel with our chats.
Now WhatsApp wants to make it easier for us to share any message from a channel with our friends and family. This function already existed before, however, the company is now putting it on a platter to make it even faster and easier for us to share each of the messages in a channel. This is what the double arrow to the right is for.
Currently we had to press on the message and then click on the double arrow located in the upper right corner of the interface to be able to share the message. However, now this little arrow will be found just below each message in the channel, similar to when we want to share a tweet.
The feature is available from the beta version of WhatsApp on Android. The company has already released this update progressively, so if you don’t have it yet, you’ll have to wait.
Simplifying the process of interacting with this feature is a smart move on the part of the company, as it boosts the fact of wanting to share content from channels much more easily so that more people know that WhatsApp has more tabs than the ‘Chats’ tab.
As you may know, the channels can be found in the ‘What’s New‘ tab. The app will suggest a few, although you can use the magnifying glass in the upper right corner to search for any channel that’s available on WhatsApp. The channels also share a tab with the statuses of our contacts.