100-year-old Design gives new Robot a Hand

110 Year Old Design Robot Hand

Inspired by a 110-year-old patent, engineers in California in the United States have designed a robot that can grip any shape.

Using rotating joints, the robot is able to arrange its ‘fingers’ around an object. The joints are made of both rigid and flexible plastic and topped with soft ‘fingertips’ so that delicate items are not crushed by its grip. It uses a single motor to bring its two ‘hands’ together.

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Joel Burdick, who helped come up with the design, says that when the mechanism was first designed in 1913 it was limited in what it could be used for. Since we have so many different types of robotic technology available today, it‘s much more useful to us now!

110 Year Old Design Robot Hand 1
The robotic hand was printed in one go using a 3D printer.



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