20 Great Ideas That Had To Come Up With A Crack

Just when the commercial world seemed to be complete, a talented woman came up with the idea of tying an old thread or two to a stick to create one of the utensils that would make life easier for all those housewives tired of scrubbing the floors on their knees: the mop.

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And just as this invention revolutionized the cleaning industry by providing something as simple as it is ingenious, many other objects have doubled their functions to digest practically everything for human use, practically we only have to worry about breathing!

These products are so innovative and well thought out that they will certainly make you say to the crack that came up with them: TAKE ALL MY MONEY, when you see them for sale. Will they already be available on the internet?


1. How-to with separate pieces

Inventions never seen before
Source: SandyDFS

2. A water bowl for humans and dogs

Inventions never seen before
Source: rubenmleon

3. The most functional bench you’ve ever seen

4. For sleepy little ones

Inventions never seen before
Source: amazon.com

5. They’re not for dogs! They’re for you to see how it’s put together

Inventions never seen before
Source: Arkenzie

6. Hands full? Never mind!

Door that opens with your feet
Source: happysunbear

7. Children’s area with games on public transport

8. Much more savings

Inventions never seen before
Source: scd22

9. Airport Sleeping Cabins

Inventions never seen before
Source: SchaarMax

10. Gym and laundry in one place

11. Chair with storage space

Inventions never seen before
Source: kazarnowicz

12. No more oil stains!

13. USB Stick with Visible Storage

14. Calculator to make the supermarket

Inventions never seen before
Source: Afrocean

15. The Curtains Will Finally Be Completely Closed

Inventions never seen before
Source: taharoto

16. A Reminder Clock for Medicine

Inventions never seen before
Source: CptnBo

17. With Those Lights, You Can’t Go Wrong

Inventions never seen before
Source: kfinny99

18. This railing has built-in small benches

Inventions never seen before
Source: LLCenter

19. You’ll be able to open the elevator from afar

Inventions never seen before
Source: lukeallen1

20. For a fun father-son afternoon

Inventions never seen before
Source: Bearat

Related: 35 Interesting Vending Machines Around the World



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