People at 7 AM and 7 PM

Human beings are vulnerable to change every day of our lives. What was a minute ago is no longer so, and these changes can be noticed throughout our lives. Both on a physical and behavioral level. Sometimes it’s so fast that it’s possible to notice the differences in the same day.

SEE ALSO: 5 Easy Ways to Achieve Longevity

People at 7am 7 pm (1)

In the morning, when we wake up, we have puffy eyes, tousled hair, and we even need a little time to fully lift the system. While during the beginning of the night, everything changes: we are dressed as we like, made up and perfumed.

Photographer Barbara Iweins had the excellent idea of recording these changes in appearance throughout the day and created the series “7am/7pm“, which was part of her project, where she captured the changes of modern nature – the innocence and vulnerability that seem lost with each passing day.

In the pursuit of this lost purity, Iweins photographed his models at two times of their day: at 7 p.m., when they are aligned and feeling strong, and at 7 a.m., when they are just opening their eyes and have not had time to settle into their artificial “I.”

“I feel like the only time of day when a person doesn’t have any shield is the moment they open their eyes for the first time. I’ve always loved this moment when our consciousness travels from dreams to reality,” says Barbara.

And if we look closely, there is a certain beauty in that vulnerability. Take a look at the photographs.

People at 7am 7 pm (2)
People at 7am 7 pm (12)
People at 7am 7 pm (11)
People at 7am 7 pm (10)
People at 7am 7 pm (9)
People at 7am 7 pm (8)
People at 7am 7 pm (7)
People at 7am 7 pm (6)
People at 7am 7 pm (5)
People at 7am 7 pm (4)
People at 7am 7 pm (3)



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