22 Photos of Parents and Children That Show Similarities Almost Identical!

Genetics isn’t the only thing that can determine a person’s characteristic, but the children in these photos can test the ability genes have on family appearance over the course of several generations. In these families, the similarity between parents and children, or children and grandparents at the same age, proves that it’s all in the genes.

Table of Contents

Here we have made this compilation of photos for you to enjoy these family resemblances. Like us, you will agree that these relatives have almost identical similarities to each other.


1. Mother and Daughter

2 Lookalike Girls

2. Mother and Daughter

2 Similar Children

3. Grandmother and Granddaughter

2 Lookalike Girls

4. Father and Son

2 Similar Children

5. Grandmother and Granddaughter

2 Similar Children

6. Mother and Daughter

2 Lookalike Girls

7. Father and Daughter

2 Similar Children

8. Father and Son

2 Lookalike Girls

9. Father and Son

2 Lookalike Men

10. Father and Son

2 Similar Children

11. Father and Daughter

2 Similar Children

12. Father and Son

2 Lookalike Men

13. Mother and Daughter

2 Similar Children and Mothers

14. Mother and Daughter

2 Similar Children

15. Mother, Daughter and Granddaughter

3 Lookalike Girls

16. Father and Son

Two Lookalike Men

17. Father and Daughter

2 Similar Children

18. Mother and Daughter

2 Lookalike Girls

19. Father and Son

2 Similar Children

20. Father and Daughter

2 Similar Children

21. Mother and Daughter

2 similar women

22. Mother and Daughter

Identical mother and daughter



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