10 Series You Hated At First But Ended Up Getting Addicted

It is well said that there is no better publicity than oral tradition; however, anyone with access to the internet is constantly bombarded with spoilers, memes, trailers, and discussions between fans of the series of the moment.

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Series everywhere! And the truth is, no one is immune to that kind of spread, so you’ll agree that you got the best recommendations from your acquaintances.

Which of the following 10 hooked you as much as they did?

Curiosity killed the cat and you ended up surrendering to its multiple seasons! It may be that you soon managed to become a monster of fanaticism even more intense than your friends.


1. House of Cards

House of Cards

Positioned as one of the most popular series on the Netflix platform. House of Cards is the icon of your friends who aspire to politics or at least boast of knowing how the American government is run.

2. Games of Thrones


The most awarded series of recent times, with a touch of epic fantasy, battles and adventures, has delighted the public who continue to make it a pop culture phenomenon or as many have baptized it: a new classic. It’s amazing to fall into just one category or genre because GOT has something to offer all kinds of audiences, so you probably loved the recommendation from your friends.

3. Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad

When you heard your friends mention that Bryan Cranston’s performance in the show was magnificent, you never thought they were referring to Malcolm’s own dad. Maybe that’s where your curiosity came from and you started to get hooked on its interesting concept. Once again, thank you friends for recommending this electrifying download of suspense, humor and anti-heroism.

4. Modern Family

Modern Family

Not only did he dress her up to enjoy the beautiful Sofia Vergara speaking English with her strange Latin accent. Modern Family offers diversity in many ways, globalizing it into a beautiful family tableau that anyone could relate to. It may even be that the recommendation was not from friends but from your family!

5. Walking Dead

Walking Dead

It seems that the strength of its plot and the success it has achieved since its premiere in 2010 were responsible for us identifying the meaning of the word zombie more clearly than in the comics. Although these brain-eating mutants have been around for a long time, we have to admit that the fascination of the post-apocalyptic universe of this series sparked our interest in them even more. I’m sure your friends love it!

6. Black Mirror

Black Mirror

Surely your tech-savvy friends were the first to project themselves and be surprised by the shocking stories in each of its independent chapters. The truth is that Black Mirror is a series that, as its name suggests, reflects the darker side of a society immersed in devices. It will be a little scary at first, but once you start analyzing it you will thank your friends for the recommendation.

7. Girls


Twenty-somethings who have no idea what to do with their lives or relationships? We’re sure you heard about the production of the talented Lena Dunham in a chat between friends and couldn’t handle the curiosity. It’s a kind of Sex and the City in a millennial, middle-class version. You could relate to any of their characters!

8. American Horror History

American Horror History

Many of us got carried away by the relentless search for a horror story that would make our hair stand on end, and when we found this series that everyone was talking about, we realized that what it had to offer us was much more than suspense and aesthetics. You become addicted from their terrifying opennings!

9. Orange Is the New Black


This series starring women represents more than one controversial issue and feminist morality. How did you find out OITNB existed? Probably because of the conversations of a girl or acquaintance without mincing words. Who knew that the series that became one of the most popular stories on Netflix, is based on true events.

10. Stranger Things

Stranger things

Shrouded in pure eighties melancholy that also had the ingenuity to catch millennials, so you could hear the recommendation of this series from anyone with internet access. It is also clear that both in this and in other of the aforementioned series, memes, trailers, fandoms and extraordinary publicity on social networks, did their thing and managed to capture your attention.

Which of these have you already finished watching?



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