17 Photos of Premature Children Who Won Their Best Battle: Living!

Beginnings are never easy, and even less so for these children who were born prematurely and had to fight extraordinarily for life.

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A baby is considered premature when it is born before 37 weeks gestation. In Canada, one in 13 children comes into the world early, while in the United States one in eight is too.

Red Méthot, a Canadian photographer and student, is the father of two premature children, which motivated him to carry out his school project focused on children who are born before the end of their gestation cycle. “My son was born at 29 weeks and my daughter was born at 33. These are the kind of photographs I wish I had seen when my children were born – they’ve been through all of this and they’re doing really well now,” she said.

Méthot affirms that although not all the life stories of children born prematurely end happily, the truth is that those who manage to survive do so fully, like normal children.

1. Thomas, born at 23 weeks


2. Zachary, born at 27 weeks


3. Noah was born at 23 weeks. Her twin sister, Victoria (pictured left), passed away when she was one month old

Noah & Victoria

4. Noah and Nathan, born at 32 weeks

Noah & Nathan

5. Felix, born at 23 weeks, and his brother Alexis who was born at almost 33 weeks

Felix & Alexis

6. Samuel was born at 36 weeks


7. Charles-Antoine and Mara were born at week 27

8. Sarah was born at 27 weeks


9. Chloe, born at 32 weeks


10. Alice was born at 27 weeks


11. Charles, born at 26 weeks


12. Émile was born at 26 weeks


13. Eva, born at 29 weeks


14. Felix, born at 24 weeks


15. Lexiani was born at 25 weeks


16. Margot, born at 29 weeks


17. Theo Was Born at 25 Weeks




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