History is not limited to the great events that give their name to certain periods of time. Those episodes that everyone seems to remember and know. It also encompasses all sorts of little moments, people, and places in between that end up overshadowed by the main events. Here’s a compilation of 14 little-known historical photographs worth remembering.
<14 Little-Known Photographs Worth Remembering
In 1979, Brenda Ann Spencer was just 16 years old when she killed two people.
He carried out a shooting at a school in California. When asked about the motives for the attack during police questioning, the young woman said: “I just don’t like Mondays […] It was fun to see children shot.”
Before and after: members of the Polish resistance in World War II.
Heath Ledger during the filming of Batman: The Dark Knight.
“Every person you meet asks you if you have a profession, are married, or own a home. As if life were a shopping list. But no one asks you if you’re happy.” – Heath Ledger
Afghan women in the 1970s, before the rise of the Taliban.
Princess Diana breaking royal protocol.
On that occasion, Diana broke the rules of the royal family to get involved in the life of her son, William. He competed in a race during a sports competition at the prince’s school.
The man behind the photo.
How many times have you seen the photograph of workers sitting on a metal beam while eating lunch in the heights? You should know that the photographer behind that image was named Charles C. Ebbet. A true daredevil.
The return of the Queen Elizabeth.
The British ocean liner Queen Elizabeth returns to New York with 15,000 troops. The year is 1945, at the end of World War II. By the way, the boat wasn’t overcrowded, the crew simply climbed onto the deck as they approached the harbor.
Economy class flight aboard a Pan Am Boeing 747 in the late 1960s.
The models of the painting “American Gothic”, by Grant Wood.
Miss Norman in her Autoped, 1916.
The Autoped is among the first motorized scooters. Between 1915 and 1922, they were manufactured by the Autoped Company based in Long Island City, New York.
The temple of Kukulcán in 1892.
A woman celebrating her birthday in Iran in 1973.
Human alarm clocks.
In 1930s London there was the figure of the “Knocker up”: basically human alarm clocks. These individuals were paid sixpence a week for waking up workers at a time when alarm clocks were expensive and unreliable. Using a small tube, they would shoot dried peas at their client’s window and wouldn’t leave until they were sure they had woken him up.