13 Simple Tips to Take Care of Water That We Should All Put into Practice

Do you remember the environmental talks they brought to your school, the ones in which they claimed that if humans continued to behave irresponsibly, the water would run out around the year 2050? Well, now it’s a reality, and the worst thing is that it’s getting closer and closer.

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The existence of this vital liquid is found in an hourglass that seems to run faster and faster, to the extent that now we must not only worry about saving aquifer reserves for future generations, but also about surviving in our time with what we have left. Drought will lead to chaos and a lot of deaths unless we get our act together and look for small but meaningful actions and give our planet what it deserves; Taking care of water is everyone’s job, and if you think it’s too difficult, take a look at the 13 tips below.


1. Don’t decorate the house with grass, make your own vegetable garden!

Orchard Garden

2. You won’t need any more veggies from the supermarket

Vegetables Home Garden

3. Wash them in a container

Use a bowl of vegetables water

4. Also measure the amount you’ll use for the car

Chinese washing car

5. You can collect rainwater in a bucket

Water buckets

6. Find a decorative way to recycle

Container barrel

7. You can put your reservation to many uses

Barrel Washer

8. Any corner of your home will benefit

DIY watering the lawn

9. Install your own irrigation system

Irrigation system

10. There are also objects that can help you

Idea: Save water, brush teeth

11. Take advantage of it without neglecting household chores

Recycled Water Work

12. The possibilities are endless

Toilet water recycle

13. And never forget to shower in less than 5 minutes

Save the bath water




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