10 Substantial Proofs You Live With the Perfect Man

Sometimes falling in love leads you to think that you have the best man by your side, and it is worth dreaming since neither in the heart nor in the head of a woman is it commanded. Just ask Fiona!

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Fiona And Shrek

If, like her, you are able to see Prince Charming under the pot-bellied ogre, maybe you are not so wrong and next to you you have that specimen who looks so much like the ideal man. It’s time to accept that perfect relationships and guys don’t exist, but if your boyfriend meets most of the following requirements, you’d better not let him go. There aren’t any of those anymore!


1. He’s ready to face whatever comes his way

Obama and Michelle

Beyond the machismo and manliness that characterize an alpha male, he demonstrates bravery in many more substantial ways. She’s not afraid of commitment, the problems ahead, or the challenges you may face as a couple.

2. Say yes to all your quips

Demi Lovato and her boyfriend

Women tend to be more dreamy and creative when it comes to planning crazy things, and if that man goes along with you, no matter how crazy your ideas are, it’s because he really loves you and will follow you to the end of the world just to see you happy… or take care of yourself.

3. He brags about you to others

Will Smith and his wife

He is really proud to have you in his life and shows it in front of his friends and family. It’s not to show off or prove anything to anyone, he just wants to let you know how much he cares about you.

4. Share responsibilities with you

Blake & Ryan

She knows that gender roles are a thing of the past, so she takes on and shares with you tasks as important as raising children or as basic as doing the grocery or washing the dishes.

5. Forgive your mistakes

Megan Fox

He is aware that you are human and you make mistakes, but he knows how to listen to you, and no matter what led you to make wrong decisions, he will know how to forgive you.

6. He’s always looking for ways to make you laugh

Kim & Kyne

Listening to your laughter is music to his ears, which is why he’ll look for jokes, memes, and spontaneity even on your grayest days to fill them with color. You must learn to appreciate that when you are not in the mood, he makes an attempt to see you happy.

7. He likes you natural and dressed up

Miley and her husband

He knows you in your best clothes and in your worst faces, but that doesn’t stop him from thinking that you’re a beautiful woman.

8. He knows how to cuddle you on those tough days

Mila & Ashton

At least once a month, your guy knows to be more sensitive and chirp to combat colic and PMS. He’s a detail-oriented person when he puts his mind to it!

9. He’s Your Faithful Counselor


Don’t run away when you start talking about your problems, especially if they include you; He knows how to listen to you and even if he doesn’t know how to give you the best advice, he is there for you to let off steam. However, when he gives you one of his lectures of wisdom, it leaves you speechless. It’s like being in love with your best friend!

10. He knows how to cook!

Knows how to cook

Nothing says “I’m the perfect man” more than cooking for your girl. If your man is not afraid of the frying pan and also has good seasoning, we suggest you keep it so that no one steals it from you. Value it!