These illustrations prove that love is in the little things

Have you experienced that moment when it’s cold and you have someone next to you hugging you to warm up, or when you want to watch a movie and the person accompanies you for the simple pleasure of being with you?

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Little Love Stuff Illustrations

Sometimes, true love doesn’t declare itself in great tests of romance, expensive gifts, and overflowing bouquets of roses. Many times, the simple fact of being together is enough to make your partner happy.

These small details inspired artist Philippa Rice to create a series of illustrations about the simple and beautiful things in everyday life. The book where she compiles these illustrations is entitled Sooppy: A Love Story, and it is between these pages that she shares a little of the story with her boyfriend (yes, from real life), showing the couple’s routine.

From supermarket shopping to silly arguments, or even watching TV without the slightest worn, the book captures the experience of sharing a life together and celebrates the beauty of respect between couples.

By appreciating the images below, you will realize that what really sustains a relationship are these everyday actions that make all the difference, turning out to be much more important than those grand gestures or any crazy love.


Accidentally hugging in the dream.

Illustrations Couple Happiness (5)

A quiet morning in the kitchen.

Illustrations Couple Happiness (4)

Those long conversations about everything and nothing in bed.

Illustrations Couple Happiness (3)

And being in the same place without necessarily doing things together.

– “I can come and read here”


Illustrations Couple Happiness (2)

Make cooking fun out of it.

Illustrations Couple Happiness (1)

And face the dilemma of what to cook for dinner.

“I want to order pizza for dinner, but we should cook. I don’t know.”

“Shall we flip a coin?”

“I’m going to release a DVD. Back we cook and back cover pizza”

“What if we order pizza anyway?”

Illustrations Couple Happiness (22)

Ask complicated questions.

“I want to ask you something. This shirt of yours is ugly and it doesn’t fit you anymore.”

“Can I turn it into my pajamas?”

Illustrations Couple Happiness (21)

Even shopping can be fun.

Illustrations Couple Happiness (20)

And put anything aside for a hug.

Illustrations Couple Happiness (18)

And about those little things.

“We have a letter for both of us.”

“What is it?”

– “Our first gas bill”

Illustrations Couple Happiness (19)

Know how to apologize.

Illustrations Couple Happiness (17)

And share a reading moment together in bed after a busy day.

Rain Hike
Illustrations Couple Happiness (16)

And worry about EVERYTHING that has to do with the other person.

“What’s the problem?”

– “I forgot to drink the tea”

Illustrations Couple Happiness (15)

And even to make the most insignificant thing possible.

Illustrations Couple Happiness (14)

Know the perfect snuggle positions.

Illustrations Couple Happiness (13)

And who has never put together a piece of furniture as if they were playing with LEGO?

Illustrations Couple Happiness (12)

And have small discussions.

– “You’re on my side of the bed”

– “I have to sleep on this side”

– “No, it’s my turn”

– “Good night”

Illustrations Couple Happiness (11)

Love is exploring new places, even if it’s a neighborhood park.

Illustrations Couple Happiness (10)

And sleep on the lap of the other.

Illustrations Couple Happiness (9)

Spend a moment at your favorite restaurant and not think about anything else.

Illustrations Couple Happiness (8)

Walk together.

Illustrations Couple Happiness (7)

And knowing that at the end of the day everything will be fine.

Illustrations Couple Happiness (6)

Images are property of Phillipa Rice
