6 Things Your Job Should Make You Feel, If You Don’t: QUIT!

It is natural that as human beings we need to always stay active, otherwise we would fall into a collective insanity beyond mental disorders. However, having a job doesn’t necessarily mean falling into a rut that you have to submit to completely.

There are 6 points that if you don’t meet them in your work, it would be better to think about quitting. Why so drastic? Because otherwise your life will be (or is already) very heavy. Here are 6 good reasons for how you should feel at work. Notes.

SEE ALSO: The Experiment of Shorter Workweeks

#1 Your job should make you feel happy

Glee Cheerleader Singing Happily In Her Class

Forget about being happy. Happiness is something difficult to attain and it is not worth insistently seeking it in a job. However, whenever you arrive at work, you should have a smile on your face and that sense of identity with the company. It may not be your ideal job, but at least you should be happy with what you do for a living. It can be a stepping stone to something bigger.

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      #2 You Must Be Curious

      Harry Potter Making Disgusted Faces

      Curiosity is essential, in fact it's something you should always feel. Otherwise, your work will become boring and you will end up looking for other places and so you will go from place to place. Always look for something you're curious about.

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          #3 You Must Have Challenges

          Jim Carrey Gesturing

          I know, having a simple job is usually nice and even more so if it's after a holiday and you have a three-hour hangover; however, it can also make your life completely MISERABLE. All humans need challenges and challenges in our lives, and if work doesn't give it to us, it's better to change it. You need to learn, grow, and feel like you're being fed new knowledge. Achievements nurture confidence and self-esteem.

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              #4 You Should Feel Reward

              Nicki Minaj Fanning The Money

              A rewarding job is the only job worth having. But I'm not just talking about money, of course it helps us buy what we want, but we also need dignity. If you hate your job, you're always in a bad mood, and overtime becomes a nuisance, think about changing it.

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                  #5 You Must Feel Motivated

                  Chubby Happy Spinning Around

                  Our fuel is motivation. Motivation gives us reason to move, make changes, make and undo plans according to your work rhythm to grow in your job.

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                      #6 It Should Make You Feel Optimistic

                      Chava Saying She Loves Her Job

                      Working for many hours at a time in a place you don't like ends up being daunting. So if you can't find the courage to get up to work every day, it's best to give it up.

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