This is what Disney princesses would look like if they were celebrities

Can you imagine if Disney princesses were real? What would their lives be like? Maybe it would be something very similar to how celebrities live, with excesses, parties and constantly running away from the paparazzi, and we would probably all follow them on their social networks, right?

Table of Contents

Artist Andhika Muksin decided to unleash his imagination and began photoshopping the protagonists of classic Disney movies as if they were the celebrities we know and love. The result is great, surely with photos like this their Instagram accounts would be full.


1. A romantic moment between Snow White and the Prince

Snow White and the Prince in the Park

2. Pocahontas and Jasmine ready for selfie

Pocahontas and Jasmine selfie

3. Where else could they be but at Fashion Week?

Disney Villains at Fashion Week

4. Aurora y Phillipe son asediados por los periodistas

Aurora yPhillipe paseando

5. Posando para Vogue

bella foto con gastón y la bestia

6. Bella es muy solicitada para las portadas de revistas

The Beautiful Posing for a Magazine

7. Beauty and the Beast on the red carpet

Beauty and the Beast on the Red Carpet

8. Phillipe and Eric killing time on one of their tours

Eric and Phillipe playing

9. Ariel and Eric stroll through the city

Ariel and Eric strolling through the city

10. Aladdin, Phillipe and Eric at the presentation of their latest album

Aladdin, Eric and Phillip photo

11. Cinderella and the Prince Leave for a Romantic Weekend Trip

Cinderella and the Prince at the airport

12. Ursula always enjoys irony and sarcasm

Ursula Human Selfie

13. Pocahontas and John Smith running away from the paparazzi

Pocahontas and John Smith running away from the press

14. Tiana and Cinderella giving Bella a makeover

Cinderella and Tiana giving Bella a makeover

15. Aurora at its most rebellious

Aurora Party

16. Snow White and Pocahontas dancing at Coachella

Snow White and Pocahontas dancing


17. Tiana and Naveen in a night at the club

Tiana and Prince Naveen partying at night

Credit: BuzzFeed



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