Why does an iPhone become more expensive than an Android phone?

If you are about to buy a phone, you should know if the price difference between an Android or iPhone is related to the quality of its components or other factors.

Iphone And Android Phone
Photo: Unsplash

It is evident that certain modern iPhone models are more expensive than some Android phones in the same range. And, although they have many similarities, the differences they present in software and hardware are also important. Considering this, below we will tell you why iPhones is more expensive than Android phones.

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Although Apple phones no longer lead the market in terms of RAM, screen quality and camera resolution, their models still have higher costs compared to equipment with better specifications.

Thus, there are several factors that contribute to making these devices more expensive and here we explain you why.

Own processor

Most Android phones incorporate third-party processors and, although their performance is more fluid at first, over the months it can lose quality, since it does not receive support from the manufacturer itself or from application developers.

In the case of Apple, they have processors specifically built for their devices. They are more expensive due to their remarkable integration with iOS and the support they receive, as they are updated more frequently than Android.

Frequent updates

As mentioned in the previous point, Android devices can go months without receiving updates, but Apple does this periodically with iOS. In this way, its performance, security and privacy are optimized, aspects that have an impact on the price increase.



Apple has made efforts to make its high-end phones offer the best cameras. Thanks to this, thousands of content creators prefer an iPhone to create images and videos. In addition, they offer better performance when used with certain photography or editing apps.

While iPhones may come with a higher price tag, users who align with the values and features offered by Apple find the investment worthwhile for the overall user experience and the sense of belonging to the Apple ecosystem. On the other hand, Android phones cater to a diverse range of preferences and budgets, offering more flexibility for users with varied needs.

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