15 ideas to make your bed the coziest place in your home

Our bed is our sanctuary: that’s where we rest, think, sleep and, above all, that’s where we’re happy when no one bothers us. So, if you want to buy a new bed or redesign the one you already have, these ideas can inspire you to turn yours into a unique and unique space.

Table of Contents


1. This one is great!

Original Alcove

2. Very classic and elegant

Original and unique bed

3. To spend entire afternoons reading

Original ideas to make your bed

4. Romanticism and sensuality

Romantic bed

5. The backrest is very original

Modern Bed

6. So Your Best Friend Doesn’t Have to Sleep Outside

Bed for humans and dogs

7. If you want privacy

Bed inside the closet

8. This one’s super stylish

Modern and elegant bed

9. Very modern and simple, yet elegant

Modern Bed

10. If you don’t know where else to store books

Bed with storage space for books and records included

11. With the stars on your head

Illuminated headboard

12. If you don’t want to be near the floor

Original and great bed

13. A Secret Bed

Cool bed that stows away during the day

14. This one is very cozy

Cozy bed

15. And finally, some great bunk beds

Modern bunk beds

Credit: architecture art desings




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