7 Keys to Overcoming “FOMO” or Fear of Missing Out

We live in constant stress, having to decide all the time. Many things around us ask us for decisions and usually require time, so we have to choose and say “no” in certain cases.

Man standing looking at wristwatch

We’re going to talk about the so-called art of “missing things.” This expression has become popular, to refer to the fact that we should not do and experience everything. There are things we must give up for our peace.

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For some time now, there has been talk of “missing things“. You don’t need to fill yourself with everything, you don’t need to have everything. What you accept, or have, also has you and takes away a certain amount of energy or everyday peace.

In other words, it is necessary to learn to reject, to “lose” certain experiences or objects. It’s not that simple to learn. People are often not prepared to learn to refuse certain circumstances.

Say no


By doing this, we don’t overload ourselves. We let our energy be reserved for what we can attend to. Life has a limited time, therefore it is necessary to choose what we can live to the fullest and desire.

1. Decide When to Choose

We are not always prepared for certain experiences. That’s why we have to take them on when we’re ready. We have to know what conditions we are in, as well as understand that there are stages in life for certain specific experiences.

2. What do you really want?

Many times, we accept compromises because of social pressure. But, what we say yes to: is it really what we want? We have to leave behind those things that are not part of our true interests.

3. Irreversible decisions

An important principle: make irreversible decisions. This is how we learn to value what we choose well, without going back. A way of forcing a filter of choices, which will allow us to be more demanding when it comes to saying “yes” or “no”.

4. Practice Gratitude

Giving thanks is a way of knowing what we really want in life. A thank you is an evaluation of what comes into our lives and is a way of knowing what else we want to have in our lives.

5. Leave the comparisons

Many times, we accept things or responsibilities because “others have them.” Care! These comparisons yield poor results. Never say yes because others have accepted something, but because we really want it.

6. Beware of disappointment

Everything, when it initially comes into our lives, usually has high expectations. Then, those expectations go down. It’s normal! The bad thing is that when the energy goes down, we tend to look for other situations to fill the void, even though they are not what we want.

7. Learning to Live with Limitations

We have to know our limits! That way, we knows what fits in our lives and what doesn’t. It’s a way of not saturating ourselves, while knowing for sure what we can say no to.

Feeling overloaded? Perhaps, you need to apply a filter: you must “miss out on certain things”. A way to bet on peace of mind and daily serenity.




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